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Welcome to Baltimore Yearly Meeting!

Baltimore Yearly Meeting builds and nurtures a strong and vibrant Quaker community across the Mid-Atlantic. We seek to build community, grow in the life of the spirit, discern right action, and bear witness in the world. BYM includes Quaker meetings in parts of Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and the District of Columbia. The BYM Office, located in Sandy Spring, MD, provides technical support to local Quaker Meetings and opportunities for Quakers in our region to work, play, serve, learn, and grow spiritually together as Friends. 


YF Love Con

Friday, February 16, 20247:00 pmSunday, February 18, 202412:00 pm
YFs sit in a circle at the BYM Office's backyard playing games

*Registration for this conference is closed, but you can sign up for our emails below to be the first to know about next con!*
Join us for Young Friends(YF) Conference at State College Friends Meeting!
This will be a bus con, meaning YFs can snag a ride on a BYM bus to get to con and back! More details are on the registration page.

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