So How Do I Join?
You simply register for a conference (AKA con)! Links to the respective registration pages are below. If you would like an email notification, sign up here. Make sure to check the Young Friends and/or the Junior Young Friends box(es)!
Interested in supporting BYM's Youth Programs?
Below are a few ways to do just that!
*All Young Friends in-person Conferences start at 7pm Friday and end at the rise of Meeting for Worship on Sunday.*
*The first 3 Junior Young Friends in-person Conferences start at 11am and end at the rise of Meeting for Worship on Sunday. JYF Grad con starts at 7pm Friday and ends at the rise of Meeting for Worship on Sunday.*
In the continued wake of a Covid-19, the Youth Programs of Baltimore Yearly Meeting is consistently shifting gears to address risk management for our in-person gatherings. Our conferences are an invaluable part of the personal and spiritual growth of so many of our young people and we want to make sure that we are still able to provide them with love and support in these trying times.
In consideration of this, we will be discussing the current state of our local areas and the risk management steps we can take before every con. We will keep the calendar up-to-date if we shift away from in-person cons. Thank you for your understanding.
Click here to see Young Friends current covid policy/procedure.
“My daughter always comes back with a renewed sense of self and peace.” – YF Parent
“the creation of a community with a spiritual focus… helps keep young people coming to Meeting in the weeks between conferences.” – JYF Parent
“When I came to JYF in 7th grade it changed my life.” –Young Friend
“The Young Friends seem to bless our Meeting with their presence. We love that our Meeting House is used for more than one morning per week!”- Host Meeting House
“My daughter’s high school years would have been more difficult without the abilities she developed at con: a sense of independence, ability to express her feelings and convictions, sense of belonging.” – YF Parent