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Camping Program Committee

The Camping Program Committee works with the Camp Program Manager to organize and operate the Yearly Meeting's entire camping program. This includes the three residential camps, Catoctin, Opequon, and Shiloh, as well as the Teen Adventure Program.

The BYM Camps website is available here.

The camping program has begun a process of discernment regarding the future growth and development opportunities for the program. As a part of that process, a request was shared with the Yearly Meeting asking for input on the process. Click here to download the document that was shared.

Click to see the complete description of the Committee as it appears in the current Manual of Procedure.

Each fall, the Camping Program and Camp Property Management Committees publish the annual camp newsletter, The Firecircle. Electronic copies of recent editions are available online here.

The Camping Program Committee has adopted an Anti-Racism Statement.

Listed below are the current members of the Committee(updated list coming soon)

Anna Katherine Best, Clerk
Richmond Friends Meeting
Linda Garretson
Sandy Spring Friends Meeting
Joseph "Joe" Coates
Eastland Friends Meeting

Kary Haun

Hopewell Center Friends Meeting

James "Jamie" DeMarco
Homewood Friends Meeting
Jennifer Collins-Folley
Annapolis Friends Meeting
Hanna Brown
Homewood Friends Meeting
Olivia Chalkley
BYM Camps
Donald "Don" Crawford
Opequon Quaker Camp
Karen Daniel
Frederick Friends Meeting
Nicole "Nikki" Richards
Young Adult Friends
Sarah Acuff
 BYM Camps
Al Best
Richmond Friends Meeting
Elizabeth "Betsy" Boynton
Alexandria Friends Meeting
Carley Richards
Young Adult Friends
Amanda Wessel
 BYM Camps
Brian Massey
Camping Program Manager
David Hunter
Camp Property Manager
Jesse Austell
Teen Adventure Camp
Hope Swank
Director, Shiloh Quaker Camp
Jared Wood
Director, Opequon Quaker Camp
Rachael Carter
 STRIDE Coordinator
Rosalie Eck
Director, Teen Adventure Camp
         Dyresha Harris           
 Director, Catoctin Quaker Camp
Kim Manrique
BYM Camps
Cory Joseph
Goose Creek Friends Meeting

BYM Camps Anti-racism Statement

BYM Camps strongly affirms the declaration by Baltimore Yearly Meeting as an Anti-Racist Faith Community. We support the Black Lives Matter Movement protests and uprisings against police brutality and all systemic racism against Black people. We know that the system of racist structures and beliefs making the BLM movement necessarily goes far beyond policing. It is up to all of us to rout out those influences wherever they reside in ourselves and the organizations in which we participate.

Baltimore Yearly Meeting Camps are made up of campers and staff of many backgrounds, socio-economic levels, gender identitiesy, sexual orientations, faiths, and racial and ethnic identitiesy. We strive to create an inclusive community that holds all members in the Llight as we work, play and enjoy time in nature together. We believe camp provides a unique opportunity for young people who might not otherwise meet to share a unique experience of joy, wonder, vulnerability, and empowerment together as they connect with each other. We acknowledge that BYM Camps have historically been white institutions and that outdoor education and recreation spaces have a history of inequality and underrepresentation.

We endeavor to become a more inclusive and equitable organization in which we amplify the voices of people of color among us and help to actively confront racial bias within ourselves and our community. Some of the things we have done to work towards these goals include continuing education, responding to feedback from our camp families and seeking to include more campers of color in our programs. For more than 10 years we have partnered with STRIDE to sponsor campers of color and challenged socio-economic status. In this same time period, Equity, Diversity and Inclusivity training has been part of pre-camp activities for counselors and staff in order to help work toward these goals. We acknowledge that these steps are only a beginning and that there is more that BYM camps can do to become an anti-racist organization.

BYM Camps strongly affirms the declaration by Baltimore Yearly Meeting as an Anti-Racist Faith Community.  We support the Black Lives Matter Movement and protests and uprisings against police brutality and all systemic racism against Black people. We know that the system of racist structures and beliefs that makinges the BLM movement necessary, goes far beyond policing. It is up to all of us to rout out those influences wherever they reside in ourselves and the organizations in which we participate.

We recognize that we are an organization that is predominantly white, and because of thattherefore we need to work harder to reach our goal of being inclusive, open, accepting, and inviting to campers, staff, and volunteers of all backgrounds. We wish to disrupt and challenge the notion that it is acceptable for  outdoor space and outdoor recreation to be a space aof white privilege. We also recognize that our camps each reside within specific geographical communities and that we can take action within those towns and districts to work towards true equity and justice in those broader environments in which BYM Camps are located. We are dedicating time to review our practices and to improve our programming, and we welcome dialog and feedback as we continue to grow.

Camping Program Committee Annual Reports

Camping Program Committee Interchange Reports

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