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Welcome to Baltimore Yearly Meeting!

Baltimore Yearly Meeting builds and nurtures a strong and vibrant Quaker community across the Mid-Atlantic. We seek to build community, grow in the life of the spirit, discern right action, and bear witness in the world. BYM includes Quaker meetings in parts of Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and the District of Columbia. The BYM Office, located in Sandy Spring, MD, provides technical support to local Quaker Meetings and opportunities for Quakers in our region to work, play, serve, learn, and grow spiritually together as Friends. 

This Evil Thing

Saturday, April 21, 2018
7:00 pm9:00 pm
William Penn House (Washington, DC)

Join us at 7pm for a one-man performance and discussion of This Evil Thing, the shocking and inspiring story of the "Richmond 16", a group of men who said no to war. Michael Mears - ‘The Fringe-First Award winning master of the one-man show’ – portrays a gallery of characters from conscientious objectors to army generals, from Prime Ministers to world-famous mathematicians. This highly original piece of storytelling uses verbatim testimonies, a multi-layered sound landscape and vivid visual imagery. RSVP on Facebook if you would like to attend. (

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