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Welcome to Baltimore Yearly Meeting!

Baltimore Yearly Meeting builds and nurtures a strong and vibrant Quaker community across the Mid-Atlantic. We seek to build community, grow in the life of the spirit, discern right action, and bear witness in the world. BYM includes Quaker meetings in parts of Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and the District of Columbia. The BYM Office, located in Sandy Spring, MD, provides technical support to local Quaker Meetings and opportunities for Quakers in our region to work, play, serve, learn, and grow spiritually together as Friends. 

Grow Your Meeting Workshop

Saturday, October 10, 2015
10:00 am6:00 pm
Valley Friends Meeting (Dayton, VA)

Baltimore Yearly Meeting and Friends General Conference invite you to Grow Your Meeting. This workshop empowers teams of Friends to create programs and opportunities within their home Meetings that focus on three important components of growth: inreach, outreach, and welcoming newcomers. Your Meeting’s team will leave ready to make a plan for initiating growth and vitality into the lift of the Meeting. The workshop is co-sponsored by FGC and BYM, with a fee of $100 per Meeting team (up to 3 Friends per team) and includes a resource toolkit, lunch, and dinner. To learn more, including registration instructions, see

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