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Welcome to Baltimore Yearly Meeting!

Baltimore Yearly Meeting builds and nurtures a strong and vibrant Quaker community across the Mid-Atlantic. We seek to build community, grow in the life of the spirit, discern right action, and bear witness in the world. BYM includes Quaker meetings in parts of Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and the District of Columbia. The BYM Office, located in Sandy Spring, MD, provides technical support to local Quaker Meetings and opportunities for Quakers in our region to work, play, serve, learn, and grow spiritually together as Friends. 

Clerks and Teachers of Local Religious Education Programs (Adult and Youth)

Saturday, October 24, 2020
10:00 am11:30 am

On Saturday October 24th and 31st, at 10:00 to 11:30, Religious Education teachers and committee clerks are welcome to join us for a Zoom meeting. This is the third virtual gathering sponsored by the Baltimore Yearly Meeting Religious Education Committee to give our local programs an opportunity to share with their local counterparts challenges, joys, successes and spark new ideas. Our first two calls have been joyous, energizing and brimming with creativity. These calls have confirmed BYM RE Committee’s unquakerly belief that Religious Education folk are the best ever. This quarter, in addition to Clerks, we encourage teachers to join us and add to our riches.

If you wish to attend, and do not receive an email invitation, please contact Ellen Arginteanu.

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